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Challenge rules

Stage one (project portfolio):

In order for your submissions to qualify, you must meet the following requirements:

  • The participating team of students must consist of UAE citizens or residents in grades 9 – 12 during the academic year 2023 – 2024.
  • Each team must be comprised of up to three students guided by a mentor or coach. Each team can submit only one entry to The EGA Aluminium Design & Innovation Challenge. However, schools and coaches may have multiple entries.
  • Each mentor or coach must officially register at the registration site on or before 08 Jan 2024 at 23:59 (UAE time) to express their interest and download the materials.

Submissions must be entered into one of the four categories by 08 Jan 2024 at 23:59 (UAE time):

  1. Sustainable mobility
  2. Architecture
  3. Product design
  4. Green solutions

The parent(s) or guardian(s) of each participant must complete a consent form, which can be downloaded here.

Each submission should include:

  • A project summary of around 300 words
  • A project portfolio that is no more than 15 pages, and includes a visual illustration/image/sketch of the proposed idea. Submissions may also include a design in a CAD file format. The mandatory project portfolio template can be downloaded once you sign up.
  • A two-minute recorded explanation video.

Stage two (physical prototype):

Shortlisted finalists will be eligible to participate in the final event scheduled for February 2024 in the UAE. 

Finalists will receive a prototype kit with components that can be used to construct a physical prototype of their project. 

Shortlisted teams will be sent additional details on the requirements of the prototype.

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